
Community Paint Day
Join us for a Community Paint Day on Saturday, June 29, from 2 to 4 p.m. to help create Compass Cross pedestrian safety pavement mural at President and Madison Streets. Wear comfortable clothes you don’t mind getting paint on. Rain date is Sunday, June 30, (2-4 pm).

Neighborhood Celebration
As a “thank you” to the community for your input, ideas, support, and contributions to the Choice Neighborhood Initiative, we are hosting a big celebration. Come out to celebrate the completion of the Transformation plan. We’ll have stations to showcase early action projects, mid-term programming, and the long-term plans to redevelop the Eastport Terrace and Harbour House communities. We’d love to see you!

Housing Task Force Meeting
This is a virtual meeting of the Housing Task Force. For meeting credentials, email Melissa Maddox-Evans.

Plan Element Presentation - Virtual
Virtual Joint Task Force/ET-HH and Neighborhood Residents/Public Meeting @ Zoom. This virtual meeting is a second opportunity for anyone who has participated in any aspect of the planning effort that could not attend the in-person event on 4/17 to review and comment on Plan Elements for the Eastport CNI neighborhood. The content of the meeting will mirror the presentation on 4/17, with participants in separate online break out rooms to discuss and comment on specific elements of the Plan before a draft is submitted to HUD. This presentation represents the synthesis of ideas and strategies that have emerged from all of the community engagement and public participation efforts throughout the planning process so far, and you don’t want to miss it! LINK TO VIRTUAL MEETING

Presentation of Plan Elements
Joint Task Force/ET-HH and Neighborhood Residents/Public Meeting. This is the opportunity for all Task Force members, ET-HH and neighborhood residents, the public, and anyone who has participated in any aspect of the planning effort to review and comment on Plan Elements for the Eastport CNI neighborhood. Organizers will present housing, people, and neighborhood goals and strategies from the Plan. Participants can review and comment on Plan elements before a draft is submitted to HUD. This presentation represents the synthesis of ideas and strategies that have emerged from all of the community engagement and public participation efforts throughout the planning process so far, and you don’t want to miss it!

Plan Element Presentation - Young Planners
Organizers work with young people to review elements of the Plan and expand on ideas for the character of the redeveloped neighborhood. Snacks will be served. This is a supervised (drop-off) event.

Housing Task Force Meeting
This is a virtual meeting of the Housing Task Force. For meeting credentials, email Melissa Maddox-Evans.

Public Safety Roundtable
Join us for a virtual roundtable discussion on public safety. Invitees include officials from the Annapolis Police Department, Maryland Re-entry Resource Center, Department of Juvenile Services, Mayor’s Office Community Outreach and Community Safety, Maryland Legal Aid, Anne Arundel Heath Department’s Gun Violence Intervention Task Force and more.

People Task Force - Education
This last meeting in our series of topic-specific discussions will focus on developing strategies to improve early learning and school-aged education outcomes for children and families at Eastport Terrace-Harbour House (ET-HH). We will identify supportive service providers and partners that can help with early learning and school-aged education strategies that address the needs of ET-HH residents. Join us:

People Task Force - Health and Wellness
This second meeting in our series of topic-specific discussions will focus on developing strategies to improve health and wellness outcomes for residents of Eastport Terrace-Harbour House (ET-HH). We will identify supportive service providers and partners that can help with health and wellness strategies that address the needs of ET-HH residents. Join us:

Joint Housing/Neighborhood Task Force Meeting (In Person)
The Housing Task Force and Neighborhood Task Force meetings will be joined into one gathering for February. This meeting will be broken into two meetings, a 3 p.m. virtual meeting and a 6 p.m. in-person meeting at Eastport Community Center.

Joint Housing/Neighborhood Task Force Meeting (Virtual)
The Housing Task Force and Neighborhood Task Force meetings will be joined into one gathering for February. This meeting will be broken into two meetings, a 3 p.m. virtual meeting [LINK to ZOOM] and a 6 p.m. in-person meeting at Eastport Community Center.

People Task Force Workforce/Wealth Building
This meeting kicks off our series of topic-specific discussions to develop strategies to improve outcomes for residents of Eastport Terrace-Harbour House (ET-HH). This first meeting will focus on increasing income and employment and other wealth-building opportunities for ET-HH residents. We will identify supportive service providers and partners that can help with income/employment and wealth-building strategies that address the needs of ET-HH residents. Join us:

Neighborhood Task Force (Virtual)
The key item on the agenda will be a presentation by the planning team summarizing the takeaways from the November 2022 Design Charrette and strategies for moving forward on the transformation plan. Starting in February, we will be scheduling joint meetings of the Neighborhood and the Housing Task Force(s). To get the meeting credentials, email Eric Leshinsky, City of Annapolis.

Housing Task Force Meeting
The Housing Task Force will meet virtually (via ZOOM) to brief everyone on the outcomes of the design charrette from November and the initial actions taken to execute the Early Action Plan. We will discuss schedules for soliciting RFQs for the development. To get the meeting credentials, email Melissa Maddox-Evans of HACA.

Design Charrette
A Design Charrette is an intensive planning session where residents, community members, and designers are led by a facilitator to collaborate on a vision for development. The Charrette is a workshop for ideas and can offer the unique advantage of giving immediate feedback on design. It allows everyone who participates to be a mutual author of a plan.
Neighborhood Task Force Meeting
A virtual meeting of the CNI Neighborhood Task Force Meeting. Agenda and zoom link TBA, but will include discussion of Early Action Activities.
Housing Task Force
Meet at the Eastport Community Center. This is an in-person meeting and will feature a walking tour of ET-HH beginning at the Eastport Community Center.

Community Workshop
Let your voice be heard! A Choice Neighborhood Grant workshop for community members.

Neighborhood Workshop
Let your voice be heard! A Choice Neighborhood Grant workshop for residents of Eastport Terrace and Harbor House.

Youth Workshop
Let your voice be heard! A Choice Neighborhood Grant workshop for residents of Eastport Terrace and Harbor House between the ages of 8 and 18 years old. Workshop will be supervised and food and drink will be provided.
Neighborhood Task Force Meeting
For more information, contact Eric Leshinsky, Neighborhood Task Force Chair at:

Neighborhood Task Force Meeting
This meeting of the Neighborhood Task Force will be virtual. For credentials, contact: Eric Leshinsky.

Housing Task Force Meeting
Meet at the Eastport Community Center. This is an in-person meeting and will feature a walking tour of ET-HH beginning at the Eastport Community Center.

People Task Force
The first meeting of the People Task Force is virtual and will begin to look at improving outcomes related to income, employment, health, and education.

Housing Task Force Meeting
The Housing Task Force’s first VIRTUAL meeting will be on June 16, 2022 at 3 p.m. The focus of these meetings will be describing the current public housing portfolio, potential income mix possibilities (including rental and home ownership), funding sources to target and consider, and scheduling a site tour for interested task force members. At the first meeting, participants will decide on a date and time to make the meeting monthly/recurring.
To get the meeting credentials, email Housing Task Force Chair Melissa Maddox Evans.

Joint Task Force Kick-Off (Virtual) Meeting
At this meeting, residents and community stakeholders will be introduced to the specifics of the planning process.

Survey Launch
Survey kickoff- residents only. For more information, email Lauren Williamson or Bridget McLaughlin.