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CNI Final Transformation Plan Report
November 2023 - The complete CNI Transformation Plan is available in two parts,
Transformation Boards from Nov/ 2, 2023
On Nov. 2, 2023, the team celebrated the final submission of the transformation plan to HUD.
Annapolis Environmental Commission Briefing Sept 2023
The Annapolis Environmental Commission reviewed the Transformation Plan for Eastport Choice Neighborhoods.
Annapolis City Council Briefing Sept 2023
The Eastport CNI Transformation Plan was presented to the Annapolis City Council on Sept. 21, 2023.
Planning Commission July 6, 2023
The Annapolis Planning Commission took up the Eastport CNI plan at thier July 7, 2023 public meeting.
April In Person Presentation
At the April presentation, residents were presented the plan elements.
Plan Element Presentation, April 17+18
The CNI team presented the Plan Elements at a community meeting on April 17 (virtual meeting on April 18). The overview included the planning process, vision and goals, proposed strategies and Q&A.
Community Safety Roundtable, March 6, 2023
On March 6, 2023, the community met with public safety officials to review and discuss public safety issues of importance.
People Task Force - Education March 1, 2023
Part 3 of 3 working sessions on education with the People Task Force.
People Task Force - Health/Wellness Feb. 22, 2023
Session 2 of 3, the topic of Health and Wellness was discussed by the People Task Force.
Joint Task Force Meeting, Feb. 16, 2023
Slide deck from the joint Task Force Meeting of Feb. 16, 2023.
People Task Force - Feb. 13, 2023
In this first in a series of three topic-specific meetings, participants discussed resources, partners, and strategies for improving income and employment outcomes for Eastport Terrace-Harbour House residents.
Neighborhood Task Force Jan 30, 2023
The Neighborhood Task Force reviewed the findings of the design charette that took place in November of 2022.
Design Charette Findings - Jan 19, 2023
Findings from the design charette that took place in November 2022.
Housing Task Force - Jan. 19, 2023
At the January 19, 2023 meeting of the Housing Task Force, participants reviewed the findings from the November Design Charrette.
Youth Design Charette - Nov. 21, 2023
Nov. 21 - Youth and Community Design Charrettes Summary
A summary of the process and results from the Young Planners and Community Design Charrettes."
Nov. 21 - Design Charrette Slide Deck
At the Design Charrette, residents and community members were asked for their input on designing a new community that would: replace all 357 units, create a mixed-income, mixed-use community.
Nov. 21 - Design Charrette Rules
As part of the design charrette, each one of the five tables were given process and ground rules to follow.
Nov. 21 - Design Charrette Early Action Items
Design Charrette participants were given the opportunity to vote on early action items. These are small, physical projects that can be completed within 12 months during the planning process.
Nov. 1 - VIDEO Neighborhood Task Force Meeting
The video of the NOVEMBER 2022 Neighorhood Task Force meeting can be found HERE.
Neighborhood Task Force Nov. 1, 2022
At the November Neighborhood Task Force, we reviewed the survey responses and early action items.
Oct. 20 - Housing Task Force Presentation
This presentation was given at the Oct 20th Housing Task Force meeting of the Eastport CNI.
OCTOBER People Task Force Presentation
This presentation was given at the People’s Task Force Meeting on October 12, 2022.
Sep. 20-21 - Youth Resident and Community Meetings
Existing conditions review and visioning slide deck from the September 20 and 21 community meetings.
Resident Summary Survey, August 2022
A summary of the results of the ET-HH resident survey conducted from May to August of 2022.
Eastport Neighborhood Survey
This survey is intended for members of the Eastport Community, including residents, business owners, property owners, and those who work in Eastport.
Please fill out or send to someone who this applies to!
New List Item
Description goes here -
Planning 101
Presentation for Planning 101 training given to CAA and Community Connectors on September 13, 2022.
Pre-Existing Conditions
This was a presentation made to the Steering Committee on September 6, 2022 that covers content from the Boards as well as additional survey results.
Data Boards
These are the 9 data boards that were printed and displayed at the Resident and Community Workshops.
CNI Introduction Presentation (Sept 20-21, 2022)
Presentation given to the participants of the 9/20 and 9/21 Resident and Community Workshops
Replay July 26 Neighborhood Task Force
The Neighborhood Task Force virtual meeting on July 26. Learn about the features of connected and revitalized neighborhoods.
Slide Deck - June 30, 2022
Slide deck from the June 30, 2022 meeting of the People Task Force.
Replay - June 23 Neighborhood Task Force
The Neighborhood Task Force’s first meeting was virtual and includes the data sets that will inform the committee’s work.
Slide Deck - June 16 2022 Housing Task Force
The slide deck, including data sets, from the June 16, 2022 Housing Task Force virtual meeting.
Resident Testimonials
Residents Shemiere Gladden amd Deisha Conte talk about their hopes for a revitalized Eastport Terrace and Harbour House.
Kickoff Video
In April 2022, HACA and the City of Annapolis kicked off the Choice Neighborhood Initiative Planning Grant process with a virtual meet-and-greet with elected officials and community stakeholders.
Data Sets
The City of Annapolis Office of Planning and Zoning (Chief of Comprehensive Planning) compiled data sets to begin to tell the story of Eastport. Tracking schools, public safety, water access, and more.
The Housing Authority of the City of Annapolis and the City of Annapolsi will work with residents and community stakeholders. Subscribe to the newsletter to become part of the planning process!
Over a two-year period, a $450,000 grant from HUD will be used for a planning process to reposition the Eastport Terrace and Harbour House properties while preserving affordability and diversity.
The planning grant is exclusive to the 29 acres of property known as Eastport Terrace and Harbour House. It does not include any other HACA properties in the City of Annapolis or any other public or private properties in the vicinity of Eastport Terrace/Harbour House.
The planning grant process will take place over 48 months with specified events and activities as outlined in the grant. The process began in April of 2022 and will conclude in April of 2024.
The Housing Authority and City will recruit residents, community stakeholders, businesses and non-profit partners to determine a plan to revitalize Eastport Terrace and Harbour House.
The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) helps communities leverage significant public and private dollars to support locally driven strategies that address struggling neighborhoods with distressed public or HUD-assisted housing through a comprehensive approach to neighborhood transformation.